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Senin, 05 September 2011

Turkish Lesson Part1 :D

Let’s learn Turkish ^0^/

Hello guys, it s been a while since d last time I sign in my blog :p but as a request from a friend I will be active blogging again (at least until I feel bored :p)
in this section, I will guide you to ehm . . learn Turkish language!yippeeee!! isn’t that great if you can communicate with Turkish people? At least to ask them to buy you Turkish souvenir :D Let’s skip it to the cream of the lesson!

First, there are some of Turkish alphabets that have to be uttered differently from our Latin alphabet.
E is pronounced as back
ı is pronounced as fin
ç is pronounced as charge
c is pronounced as jus
ş is pronounced as shine
ğ is unpronounced, but it is lengthen the vowel before it
ü is pronounced as cute
Ö is pronounced as foil

To check your understanding, please pronounce it:
Nasılsınız (how are you)
Teşekkür ederim (thank you)
Özür dilerim (I am sorry)
Merhaba (hi)
Lütfen (please)

Rather complicated isn’t it? :P but it will be fun after you are accustomed to it

Now let’s learn number first:
Bir(1) , iki(2), üç(3), dört(4), beş(5), altı(6), yedi(7), sekiz(8), dokuz(9), on(10), onbir(11), oniki(12) , yirmi(20), yirmibeş(25), otuz(30), otuzüç(33), kırk(40), kırkaltı(46), elli(50) , ellibeş(55), altmış(60), altmışiki(62), yetmiş(70), yetmişsekiz(78), seksen(80), seksenbir(81), doksan(90), doksanyedi(97), yüz(100), yüzdokuz(109), yüzellibir(151), ikiyüzonbeş(215), üçyüzotuz(330), bin(1000), bin dokuz yüz doksan altı(1996), milyon(milion), milyar(billion).

What is the funny about Turkish is that they usually say “tamam” that means OK/fine, and after a word they add –mi, that means “really?” (really hard to believe in something they are :p)
We’ll study more later, stay tune! :D/ Görüşürüz! (see you later)