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Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Report of Rembang Tourism Tour

A Webquest for IX students
Created by Novian Uticha Sally

Rembang is a multicultural town with exotic panorama. It is a city in which you can find the perfect mixture of Javanese and Chinese. Here are many tourism objects. Even so, the tourism of this town has not been developed yet.

You are a travel agent offering tour services around Rembang. You are assigned to plan a day tour package. The package should offer extensive tour to places of interest and the various cultural events. The route of the tourism object should be near from one to each others. It should also offer the best accommodation, food and transportation.
1. Create an advertisement of Rembang in the form of report how to get in the chosen particular object of interest in Rembang. Please explain the detail of the route the costumer will take to arrive in the destination. You may also put the additional service of the tourism object you chosen. The assignment should be written at least 2 pages.
2. The next meeting, you have to present the presentation of your report in front of the class. The presentation should be from 15 minutes for each student.


• Please make a group of three. Search the information from websites the links of which are provided below. As you search the web pages, note down important information that you need for your report.

• Discuss and decide the kinds of transport, accommodation and food, places/events to visit, and souvenir that you want to offer in your tour package. Bear in mind that you should offer the mixture of cultures and the route of the object of interest must be near from one to each others




pati hotel

directory hotel


Tourism object:
kartini house

rembang travel guide

rembang tourism object


rembang harbour

Souvenir shop:

handmade souvenir


• Now you have got some information needed in order to write your Report Text. Please arrange it as attracted as possible to interest your costumer.
• After the report is ready, prepare for the presentation.

You are ready to make an advertisement report. Now please construct your text as interesting as possible. Bring your costumer to a the greatest adventure of Rembang!

1.) The observation report (total: 50 points)
2.) The Presentation (total: 50 points)


I would like to thank to the owners or copyright holders of the following websites from which the resources of this webquest are cited:

how to get scholarship

A Website for students of IX semester I
created by Novian Uticha Sally

While reading this text please analyze what genre and the social function used in this text!
Everybody wants to get scholarship for various purposes. Most of them, ended in refusal of their application. Before you submit your scholarship application, check out these tips, provided by scholarship sponsors nationwide.

Tip #1: Apply only if you are eligible. Read all the scholarship requirements and directions carefully to make sure you’re eligible before you send in your application.

Tip #2: Complete the application in full. If a question doesn`t apply, note that on the application. Don`t just leave a blank. Supply all additional supporting material, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation and essays.

Tip #3: Follow directions. Provide everything that`s required, but don`t supply things that aren`t requested—you could be disqualified.

Tip #4: Neatness counts. Always type your application, or if you must print, do so neatly and legibly. Make a couple of photocopies of all the forms before you fill them out. Use the copies as working drafts as you develop your application packet.

Tip #5: Write an essay that makes a strong impression. The key to writing a strong essay is to be personal and specific. Include concrete details to make your experience come alive: the who, what, where, and when of your topic. The simplest experience can be monumental if you present honestly how you were affected.

Tip #6: Watch all deadlines. To help keep yourself on track, impose your own deadline that is at least two weeks prior to the official deadline. Use the buffer time to make sure everything is ready on time. Don`t rely on extensions—very few scholarship providers allow them at all.

Tip #7: Make sure your application gets where it needs to go. Put your name (and Social Security number, if applicable) on all pages of the application. Pieces of your application may get lost unless they are clearly identified.

Tip #8: Keep a back-up file in case anything goes wrong. Before sending the application, make a copy of the entire packet. If your application goes astray, you’ll be able to reproduce it quickly.

Tip #9: Give it a final `once-over.` Proofread the entire application carefully. Be on the lookout for misspelled words or grammatical errors. Ask a friend, teacher or parent to proofread it as well.

Tip #10: Ask for help if you need it. If you have problems with the application, don`t hesitate to call the funding organization.

The conclusion of this lesson is that you have to prepare well before you want to apply for a scholarship.


Now your task is please try to apply in student exchange and make an essay of step you have done before sending the application
After you read the article above, please submit your application onclick here

1.) The observation report (total: 50 points)
2.) The Presentation (total: 50 points)

Interesting layout with effective pictures and illustration to enhance clarity and attractiveness

I want to thank to some of the website owner of scholarship foundation on



Semarang is a multicultural city which potential of tourism has not been well explored yet. The mixture of exotic Chinese, enchanting Javanese and mysterious Arabian cultural heritage can be found in this small city. This promising cultural mixture was the heritage of old ancestors whose job as merchants brought them to this crucial port. Thus, assimilation and acculturation took place since the very first years of this port. This very promising potential of Semarang brings tons of ideas to promote this city; however, none succeeds. Programs like Semarang Pesona Asia was only booming at first but was blowing up naturally at last, left nothing if not a little for Semarang.
Culture and tourism are integrated parts that support each other, especially for such a multiculturally potential city like Semarang.