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Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

55 Days in Banjarmasin

55 Days  in Banjarmasin
Transferred here, first of course i feel blue for i have to be apart from my family, my friends and beloved students. But as time goes, I feel that this experience is amazing. When we hear the word of Kalimantan absolutely, the only thing that will cross our mind is wild forest, people will run here and there clotheless humming some rumble words, roasting boar, wrestling with lake monster, or giant anaconda perhaps and thousand of others eeewwh. But as I step on my feet out of the airport, I was astonished by this city; So clean, so organized and the most relieving above all is that this city is really religious; before, I thought that I have to look hard for halal food here, People said that everything here would be very expensive that really shocked me, because they say that the price ofa bowl of noodle can be $2!!! But luckily here I lived in dorm, no need to pay for anything, except for having fun with my students in game zone, that costs much, but I can save about $100 every month here, and I am satisfied enough because i can buy everything that i need. And this place reminds me most to my dear friend, Autumn. She loves adventure, and it seems like a waste being here without her. She should have seen monkeys in Kembang island that is sooooooo spoil yet cute. To get into that place you first have to do river trip, passes a floating market in where the process of trading happens on boat. And Autumn need not to worry of being lost, because the road here is really just straaaaaaiiiiight, no possibility of lost :D One way big road, and seems like everyone here has car. Ya, banjarmasin is somehow full of money, and pride, some people told me that what makes this city is dirty, because noone wants to pick garbage here, they live really in prosperity. It is like French in Indonesia. You will pass many people with their fashion statement! Even ice seller on the road, they colour their hair while listening their music on blackberry! The oldies go here and there use abaya and very hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh highheels! But it is a proof of the success of the government (except the garbage thing). What i love most to be here is the food, hmmmm super yummy, full of spices!


Hello visitors, missing me? I guess you do ;) Here I am, in South Borneo, Indonesia, or what we love to call it “Kalimantan Selatan”. What is in this city? I will tell you in another post, but let’s focus on the special place dazzles everyone steps into it. SMA Banua BBS, what is so special about this school perhaps is the first question hanging in your mind. Well, the main reason is that you can find me here :D and other things for bonuses, you will get a chance to see a school and boarding house stand on  less or more 7000 m2, located in Jln Jendral Ahmad Yani, Gambut, Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan. It is very easy if you are interested to visit this place, from Syamsuddin Airport just take a taxi, just mention the name of the school, and they will take you directly to the spot! Almost everyone in South Kalimantan knows this place, because it is like province school. The current Governor and staff really set their mind on this project. They want to make a high quality school, which not only builds the knowledge of the students but also their attitude. Thus, all the students here are bounded to a rule that they have to stay in the dormitory and obey the regulation (They always pledge every Monday though). The government adopt the system of PASIAD (where in I work) and blend it with the local government system. PASIAD are international institute works in education, as the result you can see some Turkish or Turkmenistan people here. 

This school is really awesome in many aspects. The students here are all highly selected! You have to have proportional body if you want to be a part of them! You may not have any physical or psychological defect. You have to take some very serious exams, and the last but the hardest part: interview. For the facility, well just one word can really describe this school: complete :D Well, you have to see the sound system in every room (even in dormitory), you have ac every where you are, we have computer and LCD in each class, and the computer and language laboratory is super cool!
It is like the one people in KGB have :D but do not ever think to steal anything here, for you will be caught red handed! Every corner has its CCTV. We have fitness area, volley ball, badminton, basket ball, and soccer field. We also have table tennis equipment, drum band tools that cost almost $50.000. Did you just drop your jaw? Don’t be because the amazement hasn’t finished yet ;) The teachers here are 80% has got their master degree, and very young, the oldest teacher is like 37 years old, so we are up to new technology and information. About the school curriculum, it is like international plus, we also have intensive study for OSN (national science Olympiad). And for some students who really work hard, they can get a chance to study abroad! We also have character building in the dormitory, but sometime we also do field trip and games in dormitory, no time for boredom here J In boarding house, we have washing machine, computer, TV and refrigerator, for food we have catering who always ready every time, and there are cleaning services in school and boarding house, we do these all to support the students activity, so that they can concentrate on their study. But until this long I haven’t mentioned the star of the show, well ladies and gentlemen, if your children are accepted here, they do not need to pay for any of those goods J in fact, we will give them uniform, books, stationary, bags etc. Is there any weakness of this school? Well as I concerned nothing J but still if there is any, we will work it out together.