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Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

55 Days in Banjarmasin

55 Days  in Banjarmasin
Transferred here, first of course i feel blue for i have to be apart from my family, my friends and beloved students. But as time goes, I feel that this experience is amazing. When we hear the word of Kalimantan absolutely, the only thing that will cross our mind is wild forest, people will run here and there clotheless humming some rumble words, roasting boar, wrestling with lake monster, or giant anaconda perhaps and thousand of others eeewwh. But as I step on my feet out of the airport, I was astonished by this city; So clean, so organized and the most relieving above all is that this city is really religious; before, I thought that I have to look hard for halal food here, People said that everything here would be very expensive that really shocked me, because they say that the price ofa bowl of noodle can be $2!!! But luckily here I lived in dorm, no need to pay for anything, except for having fun with my students in game zone, that costs much, but I can save about $100 every month here, and I am satisfied enough because i can buy everything that i need. And this place reminds me most to my dear friend, Autumn. She loves adventure, and it seems like a waste being here without her. She should have seen monkeys in Kembang island that is sooooooo spoil yet cute. To get into that place you first have to do river trip, passes a floating market in where the process of trading happens on boat. And Autumn need not to worry of being lost, because the road here is really just straaaaaaiiiiight, no possibility of lost :D One way big road, and seems like everyone here has car. Ya, banjarmasin is somehow full of money, and pride, some people told me that what makes this city is dirty, because noone wants to pick garbage here, they live really in prosperity. It is like French in Indonesia. You will pass many people with their fashion statement! Even ice seller on the road, they colour their hair while listening their music on blackberry! The oldies go here and there use abaya and very hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh highheels! But it is a proof of the success of the government (except the garbage thing). What i love most to be here is the food, hmmmm super yummy, full of spices!

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