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Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Counter attack your sadness

Hello visitors :*

I am not in the mood of writing anything hard to understand wkwkkkkkk, so I will just write something light…. Like cotton candy or goose feather or pink balloon in the valentine or something close to that like broken hearted mwahahahhaa

So, everyone has ever got it before, and if I said broken hearted it is not merely about love to your lovemate, it can be a fail in your success, or perhaps when you are waiting to watch your fave program but then you remember you haven’t paid the electronic bill wkwkkwkkkk…. Well, it happened to me today, it is not really an important thing but it makes me cry a lot because of my unstable hormone, and I discover these things to combat “broken heart”, so the fight begins….
  1. 1.       Move your body

The easiest way to run from your problem is causing another problem wkkkkwkkkk, so just turn on your laptop, with high volume, and start dance to give problem to your muscle!
What you need to note down is, NEVER LISTEN TO SAD SONG, EVERRRR! Whether you realize it or not, the mood of your surrounding will effect you also, so here are my list of songs that I adore most for my crazy dancing:
·         Better than revenge – Taylor Swift (no matter what the problem is, this song is always in my top list)
·         Heart attack – Demi Lovato (just focus on the beat not the lyric, okay?)
·         Single ladies – Beyonce
·         All maroon5 songs
·         22 – Taylor swift
·         Come and get it – Selena Gomez
·         And choose any high beat of 1D songs
Well for me, 5 songs are enough to make me bath with sweat… (eeewwwhh)
  1. 2.       Next, beauty treatment (yeeaaaay!!!) So, after that, put olive oil all over your body, at first you will feel like fish ready to fry lol, but wait a little more, and voilaaaa your skin will glow just like rihanna :D amazing! Then, put on yellow scrub, well for me I use lulur kocok must*ka r***, and then wait, while waiting put on peeling on your face, scrub it a bit, and your body also, then take a bath with warm water (it would smell heavenly if you drop some perfume on it and any flower you can find around your house ;)), soak yourself in it and after that put body talk or body mist on your body and yam bean masker on your face, then take a nap, you will feel like a new born baby after you wake up ;)

  1. 3.       Now that your feeling is so much better, take your time to pray…. Do not just throw all your problem to God, but kindly thank God, for everything that you have now, for every lesson you have got and for having me guiding you through my blog hohohohoooo

  1. 4.       You like eating something delicious? Why don’t you cook something? Well, to make yourself busy with those things will slowly make your focus change to a new thing rather than your broken heart. Why don’t treat your self with a tasty pancake and lemon tea made by you your self, while reading some amazing article from exclusive blog like mine lol

  1. 5.       And if you have done all of that, just go out, catch some fresh air and warm sun, and rearrange your life, meet new people, shop to a new shop (not recommended if you are as broke as me) or have a new hair cut, that will make you look and feel so much better :*

Take care of your heart honey, because you are the only one in full control of it :*

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