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Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Home "Dreamland" Town

Well, I have just faced a dilemma in my life. It was when I was practicing with my scholarship interview and I tried my self this question, “what makes you proud about your hometown?”
And I was like -____-a, I am never good at lying, T____T
I always know that I am very proud with my beloved Rembang village, it is in the high willingness of its people to work hard (like getting up early in the morning to get the sap from sugar palm trees that one has to climb for more than 400 meters high), its various believe and the act of the people that are acceptance to that difference (we live along well in spite of many backgrounds of races, economical and political levels, and religions), its peace, its beautiful terrasiring (cultivating way to preserve water)  all along the way… I am proud of our salt fields, hard wood teaks that are well grown in semi limestone soil, some beautiful beaches, old town etc. But I do not feel that is enough to convince the jury that my village is proud able (in my opinion) providing the fact that it holds the first rank of the poorest regency in central java -____-a
And then I ponder, why so? What makes other regency can advance so fast but not my beloved Rembang??? Well, if it is about the corruption and the long drought that pushes us in frugality in food consume then it can not be helped :/ And I compared it with Bali that its natural resources are likely the same with my Rembang, its beaches also has potential to be like Kuta or Sanur, or if it is too far, lets compare it to Parang tritis in Jogja. Why some tourists want to come to those beaches just to tan their body but not in my Rembang?! If we look at its cleanliness management, Rembang sure has enhanced so much! It even is better now in the hand of private company. Moreover we are located in Pantura path, the only way to connect from west to east java, we should have got more visitors if we really aim for it! So again, what is wrong with usssssssssssssss T_T
Then I come across this surprising fact, that perhaps we, Rembang citizen, are lack of promotion. We perhaps are like me, just in a grey state, we want to look modern just like international models, but we also too shy or (hopefully) has some love to our culture that we want to keep it. This grey area, makes us not really all out in conserving our local heritage! Look, the Balinese people wear kemben and jarit (native clothes) proudly and it makes them look really gorgeous, so what stop us from copying what really will help us to promote our village?! And even, Tegal and Padang have successfully endorse their region by spreading its rumah makan padang or warteg -___-, how will the world or must I say Indonesia know what rembang is, if they are not familiar with it????
Turning to the second point, I also think that one of the motives people want to go to tourism object is perhaps because they want to take photo o buy souvenir or eat its native snack from that very place. And I (dum-darra-du-dammm) have created some souvenir to gain tourist attraction to come to my Rembang :*
Well you have known kawis from my previous post, don’t you? I plan to make that into souvenir ;)

And for the food, yes Rembang has lontong tuyuhan,

 but you can not just wrap it like your souvenir, and lontong is just too common! Well I propose to make a “Corn brownies” or “corn colourful muffin”, because our village is full of corn, and corn is basically sweet and low fat, we can make healthy brownies out of it ^_^, or for heavy food lets start it with “spicy teri meatball with terasi aroma”, how it makes me drooling lol

And I am inspired to make fashion distro, but wait until I have enough fund :D
Ohhh Rembang I loveee you, love you, love youuuuuuuu soooooooo much!!! Someday I will make you proud of me, my dream from when I was in elementary school is to stand on the podium in internation conference, inventing something and I will say “I am from Rembang and I am so proud of it!” :*  Ya Allah please grant my wish ^_^

pic of kawis and lontong tuyuhan are from google 

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