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Senin, 09 September 2013

My way to UGM

I made this article without any intention to boast on what I have got, but merely to share my experience, because in my religion, when a person dead, he will be asked about his knowledge, how he had used it, and I want to answer that I use my knowledge to help people, may this short article can help u all...^_^

So, on early may 2013, I got info from an acquaintance about government’s scholarship to endorse one’s master degree. And I decided to give it a try, I resigned from my job in Kalimantan and go back to Java to deal with the requirements… Then I go to my university to collect the data I need to apply on this scholarship, and I submitted the data on 29th of May, but the dateline is on 30th of May, I use the fastest delivery in town, cross fingered hoping that all will go well, then I go back to my house in Rembang, which is 4 hours from my university. On the 2nd of June, I have to sit on the entrance exam of UGM (Gadjah Mada University in Jogja), the university I proposed to study in. So, my father sent me to my aunt’s house to take a rest, because the next morning I will have to join the test. I planned to study at night, because I will have PAPs and AcePT, but because AcePT is just like TOEFL, I decided not to focus on it, and set my eyes on PAPs test! But the reality is, I just studied 30 minutes on PAPs and fell asleep! In the morning my father gave me a lift to the test place. There are so many applicants there and many people sold the test book to study, but I just ignored them, although my dad insisted that I buy the book, but I just won’t and leave it. The first test is PAPs test, it was so silly, the question I prepared at night and left unlearned came out in the test! The question is ‘1 kodi ada berapa biji?’ and I rolled my eyes and went on through all the test, I did the test the fastest, and pretty confident with my answer, because it all just basic maths. The test lasted for about 3 hours if I am not mistaken, then we have 15 minutes break I think, and began 2nd test of AcePT. I was a TOEFL instructor in my previous office so I just thought that it will be easy. But out of my expectation, the test turned out to be hardest than the regular TOEFL! I regretted that I haven’t studied at night! I just believe that I answered all question in listening (15 questions) all correct, but not sure of other questions (reading, writing, structure, composing), and I managed to do it fast and after the time was up, I went out and asked my dad to give me a treat of bakso! On 6th of June, I got a call from someone called Novi. She is the human relation of international relationship UGM (Gadjah Mada University), she called to inform me that the data I collected was just arrived and not complete -____-“, and she asked me to complete it and send it to her the next day, but then that was 11 o’clock and Wednesday! And on Thursday (the next day) is holiday, I was so messed up, I told my father and he asked me to calm down and blamed me because of my untidiness (ha! As I always do), but then I got upset and I wanted to go to Semarang and collected the data and then go to Jogja that very moment. My father just smiled on my foolish plan, but then I gave up and went along my father’s suggestion. I sent message to Mbak Novi and informed her about my difficulty and asked if I could send it on 8 of June, and surprisingly she approved my plan! I was soooooo happy, and the next day I went to Semarang to complete my data. On 8th of June, my father accompanied me to go to Jogja and I went straight to academic office and submitted all my data proudly, and when the official checked, he told me that I was supposed to bring “materai”, but I didn’t, and it was 10 o’clock on Friday! 1 hour before the office closed! I hurried out passed some ladies, and I asked them the nearest shop, but they said I had to go out 3 kms! I was so hopeless because I wasn’t sure that there will be any ‘materai’ there. When I was about to open the door to go out, one of the lady called me and told me that she had bunch of ‘materai’! and I was about fainted of my own luck, and how much my God loves and takes care of me… that lady must be an angel! I went back to the office and handed in all my data and went back home. In my way home, I got a text from Mbak Novi again to do interview test on 12th of June I think, for my scholarship, I was in bliss because everything happened so fast and well. Alhamdulillah. I studied about international issues, about Arab spring, Snowden, and all economic stuff. I even made some list of questions that the interviewers were going to ask, my preparation this time is quite complete, because I often got nervous in public speaking! And the time had come for the interview. I made a lot of friends, and all of them look so friendly.. And when I was called in for the interview, I was shocked that the interviewers were so friendly and welcomed me warmly, I was amazed and hoped that someday I will be one of them! I spent 30 minutes in the room, the longest time among all the interviewee, because they were interested in my story of life. I went out with a big smile. And after a looooooooong time, on August I had an info that I was accepted both in the university and the scholarship, well time to study more about politics… God please lead me tenderly and well… :)

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Home "Dreamland" Town

Well, I have just faced a dilemma in my life. It was when I was practicing with my scholarship interview and I tried my self this question, “what makes you proud about your hometown?”
And I was like -____-a, I am never good at lying, T____T
I always know that I am very proud with my beloved Rembang village, it is in the high willingness of its people to work hard (like getting up early in the morning to get the sap from sugar palm trees that one has to climb for more than 400 meters high), its various believe and the act of the people that are acceptance to that difference (we live along well in spite of many backgrounds of races, economical and political levels, and religions), its peace, its beautiful terrasiring (cultivating way to preserve water)  all along the way… I am proud of our salt fields, hard wood teaks that are well grown in semi limestone soil, some beautiful beaches, old town etc. But I do not feel that is enough to convince the jury that my village is proud able (in my opinion) providing the fact that it holds the first rank of the poorest regency in central java -____-a
And then I ponder, why so? What makes other regency can advance so fast but not my beloved Rembang??? Well, if it is about the corruption and the long drought that pushes us in frugality in food consume then it can not be helped :/ And I compared it with Bali that its natural resources are likely the same with my Rembang, its beaches also has potential to be like Kuta or Sanur, or if it is too far, lets compare it to Parang tritis in Jogja. Why some tourists want to come to those beaches just to tan their body but not in my Rembang?! If we look at its cleanliness management, Rembang sure has enhanced so much! It even is better now in the hand of private company. Moreover we are located in Pantura path, the only way to connect from west to east java, we should have got more visitors if we really aim for it! So again, what is wrong with usssssssssssssss T_T
Then I come across this surprising fact, that perhaps we, Rembang citizen, are lack of promotion. We perhaps are like me, just in a grey state, we want to look modern just like international models, but we also too shy or (hopefully) has some love to our culture that we want to keep it. This grey area, makes us not really all out in conserving our local heritage! Look, the Balinese people wear kemben and jarit (native clothes) proudly and it makes them look really gorgeous, so what stop us from copying what really will help us to promote our village?! And even, Tegal and Padang have successfully endorse their region by spreading its rumah makan padang or warteg -___-, how will the world or must I say Indonesia know what rembang is, if they are not familiar with it????
Turning to the second point, I also think that one of the motives people want to go to tourism object is perhaps because they want to take photo o buy souvenir or eat its native snack from that very place. And I (dum-darra-du-dammm) have created some souvenir to gain tourist attraction to come to my Rembang :*
Well you have known kawis from my previous post, don’t you? I plan to make that into souvenir ;)

And for the food, yes Rembang has lontong tuyuhan,

 but you can not just wrap it like your souvenir, and lontong is just too common! Well I propose to make a “Corn brownies” or “corn colourful muffin”, because our village is full of corn, and corn is basically sweet and low fat, we can make healthy brownies out of it ^_^, or for heavy food lets start it with “spicy teri meatball with terasi aroma”, how it makes me drooling lol

And I am inspired to make fashion distro, but wait until I have enough fund :D
Ohhh Rembang I loveee you, love you, love youuuuuuuu soooooooo much!!! Someday I will make you proud of me, my dream from when I was in elementary school is to stand on the podium in internation conference, inventing something and I will say “I am from Rembang and I am so proud of it!” :*  Ya Allah please grant my wish ^_^

pic of kawis and lontong tuyuhan are from google 

Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Counter attack your sadness

Hello visitors :*

I am not in the mood of writing anything hard to understand wkwkkkkkk, so I will just write something light…. Like cotton candy or goose feather or pink balloon in the valentine or something close to that like broken hearted mwahahahhaa

So, everyone has ever got it before, and if I said broken hearted it is not merely about love to your lovemate, it can be a fail in your success, or perhaps when you are waiting to watch your fave program but then you remember you haven’t paid the electronic bill wkwkkwkkkk…. Well, it happened to me today, it is not really an important thing but it makes me cry a lot because of my unstable hormone, and I discover these things to combat “broken heart”, so the fight begins….
  1. 1.       Move your body

The easiest way to run from your problem is causing another problem wkkkkwkkkk, so just turn on your laptop, with high volume, and start dance to give problem to your muscle!
What you need to note down is, NEVER LISTEN TO SAD SONG, EVERRRR! Whether you realize it or not, the mood of your surrounding will effect you also, so here are my list of songs that I adore most for my crazy dancing:
·         Better than revenge – Taylor Swift (no matter what the problem is, this song is always in my top list)
·         Heart attack – Demi Lovato (just focus on the beat not the lyric, okay?)
·         Single ladies – Beyonce
·         All maroon5 songs
·         22 – Taylor swift
·         Come and get it – Selena Gomez
·         And choose any high beat of 1D songs
Well for me, 5 songs are enough to make me bath with sweat… (eeewwwhh)
  1. 2.       Next, beauty treatment (yeeaaaay!!!) So, after that, put olive oil all over your body, at first you will feel like fish ready to fry lol, but wait a little more, and voilaaaa your skin will glow just like rihanna :D amazing! Then, put on yellow scrub, well for me I use lulur kocok must*ka r***, and then wait, while waiting put on peeling on your face, scrub it a bit, and your body also, then take a bath with warm water (it would smell heavenly if you drop some perfume on it and any flower you can find around your house ;)), soak yourself in it and after that put body talk or body mist on your body and yam bean masker on your face, then take a nap, you will feel like a new born baby after you wake up ;)

  1. 3.       Now that your feeling is so much better, take your time to pray…. Do not just throw all your problem to God, but kindly thank God, for everything that you have now, for every lesson you have got and for having me guiding you through my blog hohohohoooo

  1. 4.       You like eating something delicious? Why don’t you cook something? Well, to make yourself busy with those things will slowly make your focus change to a new thing rather than your broken heart. Why don’t treat your self with a tasty pancake and lemon tea made by you your self, while reading some amazing article from exclusive blog like mine lol

  1. 5.       And if you have done all of that, just go out, catch some fresh air and warm sun, and rearrange your life, meet new people, shop to a new shop (not recommended if you are as broke as me) or have a new hair cut, that will make you look and feel so much better :*

Take care of your heart honey, because you are the only one in full control of it :*